Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Hunger Games Chapter 4 Comprehension Questions

1. Do you think Haymitch will be helpful as a mentor? Why or why not?
 He wood be a good mentor because he could to teach them how to live out in the wilderness. Also how to behave because electricity or water.

2. What does Katniss mean when she says: “A Kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one”? 
It means kind people could actually be mean people but are actually bad acting nice.That she thinks that you can`t really trust anyone.

3. What happens to convince Haymitch that Peeta and Katniss might be fighters? 
Peeta and Katnisss  get in to a fight. Katniss punches him in the jaw.And Katniss almost cuts Peeta`s finger off.

4. What is the first honest advice that Haymitch gives them? 
Haymitch tells them that they can not like what they do to them, but they need to listen. Haymitch tells Katniss and Peeta to not resist their stylists. 

1. "All of the pieces are still fitting together, but i sense he has a plan forming. He hasn't accepted his death. He is already fighting hard to stay alive. Which also means that kind Peeta Mellark, the boy who gave me the bread, is fighting hard to kill me." Pg. 60 
2. "A kinda Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one. Kind people have a way of working their way inside me and rooting there." Pg.49

 3." They call it hot chocolate". Pg.55

4."Here some advice. Stay alive." Pg.56