1. How do the Gamemakers try to drive the last tributes together?
The gamemakes drain the streams and the ponds.They drain every water source except the lake.
2. How does Katniss feel about Cato?
She feels bad for Cato, no matter what hes done. She want him to stop suffering from the mutts.He is just a bloody mess after the attack.
3. How do the final three meet up?
Cato is shot with an arrow on the fore head. After getting attacked by the muttts, he is bleeding and weak. Katniss finishes him off easily. They meet up by the cornucopia.The last two alive meet up by the lake.
1."By the time we reach our destination, our feet are dragging and the sun sits low on the horizon. We fill up our water bottles and climb the little slope to our den. It's not much, but out here in the wilderness, it's the closest thing we have to a home."(Pg.323)
2." 'Not even a little damp. They must have drained it while we slept,' I say. A fear of the cracked tongue, aching body and fuzzy mind brought on by my previous dehydration creeps into my consciousness. Our bottles and skin are fairly full, but with two drinking and this hot sun it won't take long to deplete them. 'The lake,' says Peeta. ' that's where they want us to go.' "(pg.326)
3."I nod. It's funny. I feel almost as if it's the first day of the Games again. That I'm in the same position. Twenty-one tributes are dead, but I still have yet to kill Cato. And really, wasn't he always the one to kill? Now it seems the other tributes were just minor obstacles, distractions, keeping us from the real battle of the Games. Cato and me."(pg.327)
4."I can tell from his panting, the sweat pouring off his purplish face, that he's been running hard a long time. Not toward us. From something. By what?"(pg.330)
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